Friday, February 19, 2010

Update on Cousin Megan

Cousin Megan had the Gamma Knife treatment, but the tumor had grown considerably faster before the treatmant was done, considerably faster than anticipated. Doctors warned that it had grown so much that the treatment might not have the desired effect. Megan had the procedure done anyway. She needs Gods healing hand to touch her, now what she needs is a miricle. Pray for cousin Megan.

MRI Test Results

Mom had an MRI done last week and we just got the results back yesterday on the 18th. The results showed read that she has good arterys and that it's not likely that she will have another stroke! We have been going through the book of Job in a chapter by chapter in depth study, and one of the things we have learned is, even though you may be God's child, that does not free you from being tested. We were/are being tested continually, every day, as you are today. Bring God glory in little trials as well as big ones, and your testimony will shine.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Feb 05 2010 6:30

Mom's strength in her right side, is getting better every day, her dexterity is also gone way up! she gave dad a scissor haircut today! She also went to the Maiden Training session today where they planned the upcoming Mother Daughter Tea.

Miranda will be staying at our house for the weekend through Monday, shes going to bring her kids too, that will be fun.