Friday, December 18, 2009

Its Friday. Dec. 18th


This morning Teddy wasn't able to see Mom, and is spending most of the day at the Criss's house...thank you Crisses! They will let Teddy see Mom later today, when she gets moved to a different room!

For Mom's therapy today they had her stand up to get into a chair, so they will be able to move her to another room of her own...Praise the Lord that she is doing even better!

The Clarks got to visit with us and Mom ten minutes ago! While we were in there Adam was telling mom some funny storys. It was great to see her smiling again!
When William came in, Adam had him hold Mom's hand, then Adam told Mom to squeeze it hard, so Mom squeezed it as hard as she could, while smiling this big smile!!
    Thank you all for praying that she would respond in the therapy!
Our cousins are soooo great! They are making sure we have enough provisions and that our house is staying nice and clean...thank you very, very, very, very, much Cousins! And also a great thank you to our good friends the B's...for making 2 huge casseroles!

4:34PM-They are moving Mom right now to floor 4.
Thanks to everyone!


  1. Thx for all the great updates on your dear mother. We continue to pray for you all.
    Gary for the Jordans

  2. Praise the Lord!!! Thank you for the detailed updates. My prayers are with you all day long! I visualize your mother smiling, and laughing along with you. What a beautiful person she is.
    I wish I could be there to help; I know she is loved by so many and they are there for you. Please tell her how much she is loved. I'll check tomorrow to see how her progress is. Love to all.

  3. Can you please post the name of the hospital and the address.?
    Thank you!

  4. We are so happy to hear of all the progress!!!Love the shelleys
