Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sat Dec 19 2009 7:06 pm

Adam posting from Moms bedside:

Today Grandma & Grandpa both left at 1:30 pm, they visited with mom from 11 am up until they left. They promised our family they would be driving back up to visit soon. We are holding you to that Gram an Gramps! Mom is now moved into a private ward that they usually use for quarantine patients. They gave us this ward because the knew from past experience that Mom attracts a lot of visitors! The Hainlines, Criss's, Shorts, and our family all sang Hymns to Mom, we sang about 5 before a nurse showed up. I thought that she was going to scold us for noise (that had happened in ICU) but quite to the contrary! She asked us to go through the halls of the 4th floor singing Christmas Carols! So many people were blessed by the singing, both nurses and patients. We had smuggled contraband up to the 4th floor (Teddy) and he went with us through the halls singing. As we went by wards the reactions were varied, waving, crying, and all one fellow was able to do was smile brightly. Thank the lord no rotten tomatoes were present to be thrown.
 Mom was doing therapy by the time we were done caroling and she is making great progress! She stood for longer than she has yet and she took several steps, Robert (her therapist) says shes doing things within 3 days that most of his patients are not able/willing to perform in 3 weeks! That gave us such hope praise God! We are seeing his hand in swift recovery.

Another exciting thing; we have established a method for communication that works great!!! One of us holds her hand, and ask a question. She is then told to squeeze the hand to indicate "yes" or "no". The method can be perfected, but it's fun being able to meet needs through this new way of communication. For instance, we now know that even though she cannot move the right side of her body and face, we know that her nerves are able to sense, and feel pain. We know that moving her fingers and limbs doesn't hurt her, so I can feel free to massage her limbs to stimulate her brain, and so she does not lose the use of her limbs.

I read her Isaiah from Chapter 6-11. I kind of read the chapters and commented on what struck me. The Shorts, Steve Baker, and my family joined us and we did devotions. It's been a good day and we have been reminded "his mercy endureth forever".


  1. Thanks for the update Adam. I've been waiting all day for your post and am really happy to hear the progress your mom is making. Praise God for His goodness! Please tell her that I feel bad that I haven't been able to visit her yet and hope to do so soon. I would appreciate it if you could give her a hug for me and tell her that I love her and am praying for her.

  2. I will do that fer sure! All of the above!

  3. Oh I am so thankful for such an uplifting report. I kept checking the site through out the day and was hard not to know what was going on. Adam and Krista you both write as if I was there witnessing the events myself. Thank you so much! Please let your mom know how much I love her and am praying for her and your entire family. Love to all.

  4. Your parents have supported us through our trials over the years and now it's our turn. It is such a hard thing you our going through but your strenghth comes from God and He will see you through. We are praying for the family and for your mom to heal quickly.
    Love, Terri Marshall and Mildred Sparman
