Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sunday's update from Melissa

Today Roy and I arrived around 2pm. At that time mom had just finished her therapy and was sitting up in her chair. She was quite worn out. She looked so much better today. She is much more alert due to the change in her pain medication. Her eyes are open wider and looked brighter. The doctors were also very happy that she was able to go to the bathroom. I wasn't sure I should post that but dad said it's such a huge step in her progress that he felt we should share it. This morning we received the news that if she continues to improve at the rate she's going they will be able send her either to a rehab facility or home Friday! What an incredible Christmas present that would be. We ask that you pray that she will be able to come home and not have to go to a facility. This is a difficult decision dad is faced with at this time. If she comes home there are a lot of adjustments that need to be made and we are praying a rehab specialist will be able to come in daily to help her do her excercises.
She has had a calm rest of the day so far. It is now 6:30pm and Adam is reading the Bible to her and we are gathered around her listening. She has a  very peaceful look on her face and is very pleased to hear God's word.
We ask everyone to continue to pray for healing and that this all be for God's Glory! Praise God for the progress already made! He is the Almighty healer and provider!

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